Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jennie's new shelves.

This past weekend Jennie finally got her wish and got some shelves in the playroom. She has been talking about them for quite some time and now has them. One of her friends (Shannon) husband (Chris) volunteered his day off to help us put these up. The kids have so many toys and the limited space in the playroom made it hard to keep clean. Now that we have plenty of space we will see if the number of toys was the issue or if it is the kids. I am predicting that it is the latter of the two. Anyways it looks good right now and has opened the room up a little bit. Here are some transformation pictures of our project.

This is the wall before the shelves were built. It use to have a book shelf full of things and a lot of loose stuff laying on the floor. The kids loved cleaning out the playroom as they got to take all the toys out to the living room and play with them all day. The living room was a disaster.

Next we have the shelves built and waiting for all the toys. It took us about 4 hours to build them up and it will take something very drastic (like a bulldozer) to knock them down. They are glued, screwed and nailed to the wall and each other.

Here is the final product. The sad thing is that this is only about half of their toys. I have no idea where we got them all but we seem to get additions on a regular basis. I am sure it will never look like this again so we will have to treasure this moment and picture. Now we just have to wait and see how long it takes Nolan to figure out how to climb up them to the top and jump off. I am sure he will figure it out eventually.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It looks awesome! You guys did a great job!