Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Where have the past 8 years gone?

Tuesday June 16th marked Jennie and I's 8 year wedding anniversary. We have known each other for a little over 11 years now and man has time has flown by. I am sure that 4 kids, 3 addresses and 2 states help with that but it seems like we were just dating not to long ago. We have been blessed during these first 8 years with a beautiful family, a good job, a nice home, good friends and no major issues, knock on wood.

What was suppose to be a big surprise filled day turned into a rather normal day. We had the carpets cleaned in the morning. Then took the kids out for lunch at McDonald's. Came back home put the little ones down for naps while we cleaned up a little. I then ran to Home Depot to pick up some mulch and stopped to pick Jennie's present up on the way home. She has been wanting a treadmill for quite some time now and I finally found a decent deal on one and picked it up for her. I think she was a little surprise but loved it at the same time.

What a geek.

Striking a pose.

The new treadmill just waiting to be used.

Now we just need to figure out where to put it. We then dropped the kids off at the grandparents and headed off to our surprise. I had the whole thing planned out and it would have been perfect if not for some high winds. Jennie had no idea what we were going to do and wouldn't have until we pulled up if I had it my way. I was going to surprise her with a hot air balloon ride over the Ohio countryside. But instead of floating over the trees we ended up spending 3 hours driving around. The launch site was an hour and a half away and five minutes before we get there they call me up and tell me we have to reschedule because it was going to be too windy where we were going. The weather was perfect on the ground but the higher up you go the windier it got. I was so pissed that they spoiled my perfect plan. I ended up telling Jennie what we were going to do and now we have to reschedule for a different day.

This is as close as we got to going up.

It will still be fun but not as good as I had planned. It would have been fun to see the look on her face as we pulled up to a huge balloon sitting in a field ready for take off. We ended up going shopping at the Super Wal Mart so it wasn't a total waste of time but not what I had planned at all. While it was nice to shop without any of the kids I would have much rather been sailing around in a balloon. We finished off the night with a trip to DQ and then went back and picked up the kids.

Now I will have to come up with something even better next year to make up for this debacle. It was still nice to spend a couple hours without the kids, as those are extremely rare, and here is to many, many, many more years together. I love you honey:)


thekerrclan said...

Impressive! Even if the plans didn't work out -- definite points for planning. And a nice new treadmill - I'm jealous.
When we got engaged (in a hot air balloon) I was blindfolded and didn't even know we were up in the air until the blindfold came off -- it was that smooth. It was really fun - but I sure wouldn't want to be up there if it was windy!

Aaron and Jessie said...

Ted seriously, a hot air balloon is a brilliant idea, I'm mad for you that it didn't work out. you look great on that treadmill Jenni. We'll have to go for some runs while we're in Florida.