Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Monday, June 8, 2009

Brooklyn's Field Day.

Well the last couple days of school for Brooklyn are upon us and that means a lot of end of year fun. Last Thursday each class had a cake-walk, with the parents volunteering to make cakes for the classes. They usually have about 6 - 8 cakes for each class. The kids have to pay 25 cents to play for a chance to win. Brooklyn was lucky enough to win on her 4th try making her two for two. She was so excited to win and this is what she picked out.

The presentation was great but the cupcakes were so-so. Of course Brooklyn had to pick the prettiest one and this was it. She had a lot of fun so I guess that is all that matters.

Then on Friday they have what is called Field Day. This is were the classes race against each other in various relays with one team winning the whole thing. I took the day off work so I could be one of the coaches. Maddux and I took Brooklyn lunch, Domino's Pizza was her request, and then we got to go outside and play with the kids during recess. Maddux loved every single minute of it and knew some of the kids from his karate class. It was good for him to get out there as there are not many kids around that are his age. He just got to run loose for 20 minutes and have the time of his life. I also must say that I enjoy going out there and playing. I am really just a big kid and it is funny to watch the other kids react to you playing. They all run up to me and have to tell me something, show me something, or come over to play with them. I may have even enjoyed myself more than Maddux. I have gotten to know some of the kids, because of my frequent visits for lunch, and they are a blast to play with.

Here is Maddux and Brooklyn swinging during recess. One of the few times that they were actually together.

Then we just hung out for 15 minutes and waited for the games to begin. We were team Navy Blue and had about 25 total kids of our team. There were 9 teams total which included kids from K - 6th grade. The weather was absolutely perfect and a great day to be outside. They would break the kids into grades and have them race against each other. There were sack races, races were you had to carry stuff, races were you put on super large clothes, and all sorts of others. Each grade got to race three different times so a total of 12 races total. It was so much fun to watch these kids try and do the various things. The kicker was that the coach had to be the last one to participate in each race so we were very active during the day. We ended up coming in third place and just couldn't catch those top teams. It was really a neat way to send the kids out and I know that they had a blast being outside with all their friends. Brooklyn and I will have to redeem ourselves next year and take over the throne. We will have the wild card in Maddux next year to help us.

Brooklyn with her class getting ready to compete. The kids were able to buy shirts with their school mascot and team colors on them to show their support. We didn't get the notice in time last year to get one so Brooklyn was very excited to get one this year.

Brooklyn with classmate, Ria, and Maddux waiting for their turn. They also gave each of the kids Popsicle's during the day which was perfect for the weather.

Brooklyn and coach with their matching shirts. We will get them next year.

Well Brooklyn officially has 1 1/2 days of school left but according to her all they are going to be doing is packing up and eating. I guess they really didn't do anything at all today and not much scheduled for the next two days. I know Wednesday is their last day and is a half day which will mostly be a class party. I think Brooklyn is ready for school to be out and the summer to be here. Not sure Jennie feels the same. Maddux can't wait to start school next year and hopefully he will make some friends his own age. It is crazy how fast time flies by. Before we know it they will be off to college and all grown up.

1 comment:

The Beards said...

I do feel the same, I love having my kids home for the summer!!!!!!!! I am going to miss my big boy Maddux next year when he goes to Kindergarten he is my adult conversation during the day.