Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School.

Well Summer is finally over and the school year is upon us. I know that Maddux is super excited and has been for quite some time to start school. Brooklyn's first day was Wednesday while Maddux and Jennie had Kindergarten orientation. Then Thursday was Maddux's first official day of school. I took the morning off to make them breakfast and walk them to school. The kids are growing up so fast and before we know it all four will be in school. Brooklyn loved the Summer but she also really likes school and was also excited to get back. Whether or not it was for the school or to socialize is another thing. I also think that Jennie is happy to have them back in school and excited for Maddux to go to school. He only goes half a day but it is still a little break for Jennie and one less kids she needs to watch in the morning. Here are a couple of pictures from their first day.

Brooklyn and Meghan waiting for Jennie and the other kids. It is nice because the school is just a couple of blocks from our house and in the same neighborhood so it is easy for the kids to walk to and from school. Meghan and her sister come over after school while Jennie watches them which gives Brooklyn and Maddux someone to play with.

Nolan is very ready for school. I think he was a little sad when he figured out that he wasn't going to stay at the school. We got him a backpack and I think he thought that meant he could go to school. Little does he know that he still has 3 years before it is his turn. He got up got dressed and put on his backpack just like the other kids. I feel kind of bad for him because when Maddux is at school he really doesn't have anyone to play with. Payton is not big enough to play yet so he just has to hang out waiting for Maddux to get home.

Maddux and Lauren ready to go. They are in the same class with one other kid they know from Church so it is nice for them to know some people already. I think that will make the school year a little more comfortable and funner for them.

Maddux and Lauren again on their way out the door.

The four of them headed off to school.

Running to the bus stop. They will actually bus Maddux and Lauren to school in the morning of their Kindergarten year. Brooklyn has to walk because we live so close but for some reason they let the Kindergarten kids ride. Maybe just to give them the experience of riding on a bus. I am sure that Maddux loves that.

Payton in her ride ready to hit the road. Jennie will usually walk the kids to school in the morning and pick them up afterwords, as long as the weather is nice. Once the snow comes they are on their own. Jennie is not a snow person.

While the summer was a lot of fun and over way to quick it is nice to be back into a routine with regular bedtimes. The kids also started soccer this week so between that and school they will stay plenty busy.

1 comment:

The Beards said...

Ted, I love that you do the blog, you do a wonderful job. It is so great that you keep both of our families updated on everything, but seriously, have I ever complained once about having the kids home in the summer. I don't think so. I actually kind of like having a couple of months to spend time with just them. And when the snow comes they are not on their own. I drive them to and from school, and until it gets down into the 30's we are still walking. I could go on, but I won't. For all you readers out there, Ted is the best husband and father on planet earth, but I have to say when it comes to what is going on at home while he is at work apparently he thinks he knows, but he has no idea!!!!!