Weighed in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21" long.
Well the wait is finally over. This afternoon we were blessed with our fourth child, Payton Marie Beard. She was born at 2:35 this afternoon and both mom and baby are healthy and fine. We went it at 7:00 this morning for a scheduled induction because Jennie has a history of delivering big babies and she was 4 days overdue. She went in dilated at a 2 (same as the past two weeks) and was started on Pitocin to speed things up. Within a couple of hours she went up to a 3 and then a couple of hours later went to a 4. The nurse then came in around 1:00 to break her water and see if things would get rolling. After they broke her water Jennie began to feel the contractions and they were becoming regular. She called the nurse and told them it was time for her epidural which they gave her around 2:25. They made me leave the room while they do this to keep everything as sterile as possible. I decided to go get some lunch and was going to drive down to Wendy's but decided for some reason to hit the cafeteria instead. As you will read in just a minute it is a good thing I did. When Jennie sat up to get the epidural she says she felt something was different like the baby had dropped down. After she laid back down and just as I was coming back she started feeling a lot of pressure in her bum and not her belly anymore. I think I got 2 bites of lunch in when she told me to call the nurse and she asked to be checked again. When they checked her the baby was ready to come and she was fully dilated. I called Connie and told her that she wasn't going to make it very much longer and about 2 minutes later and 1 1/2 pushes later Payton was out and showing off her set of longs.
She has a little bit of lighter hair and very long fingers. She also has some pretty big feet. You may be able to see in the pictures a little clef that she has on her upper lip. The doctors have assured us that this is fairly commons in babies and because hers is so small it should be easy to correct. It goes about half way up her lip. The roof of her mouth is complete which is a very good sign. Usually the problems arise when the roof of the mouth doesn't close all the way and the clef goes up to and inside the nose. They will have to operate on Payton but it is a very minor procedure. They will basically push the top lip together and sew it together. They say that it should heal up perfectly and we most likely won't even be able to tell it was there. She has had no problems latching on and eating so they are not really worried about it at all. They tell us that they usually do the surgery pretty soon after the baby is born. Usually within the first 2 weeks and sometimes before the baby leaves the hospital.
Bill and Connie brought the kids in to see their new sister and I think they were excited but it only lasted for a little while. Maybe once we bring her home and they can really see her, they will be more excited. I know that Brooklyn was very happy to have a sister. Nolan still has not met his new sister as he crashed on the way over and slept the entire time he was there.
Well I need to get some sleep before heading back over in the morning. We are picking up Grandpa Beard from the airport tomorrow so he can meet his new granddaughter. It really is perfect timing as I will be off work the whole week that he is here and he can spend the whole time with his grand kids, except the time that I have him put to work. Before I go I will leave you with one more picture of our newest addition. Stay tuned as there will be more to follow.
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