Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last Weeks of Soccer.

Well soccer has officially ended for the fall and now it is onto basketball, but before we go here are some pictures and updates from the last couple of weeks. The kids played on some really good teams this year and I look forward to watching them develop even more next year when they are on the same teams. Brooklyn has become a little more aggressive and managed to take quite a few more shots than her previous years. Maddux is starting to understand the game and is quite the goal scoring machine. Nolan loved playing in his first year. He had a really good team and managed to score quite a few goals this season. I was also very fortunate that I was able to see all but 2 of Brooklyn's games this season. The last couple of years I was not able to see very many as Maddux's games were at the same time. I love watching the kids play and am so proud of all that they did this season. Here are some pictures over the last couple of weeks.

Brooklyn booting the ball out of there while on defense.

Last year Brooklyn would have never thought about dribbling the ball down the field. She had a really good coach that worked well with the girls and really helped Brooklyn develop some offensive skills.

Here is that new found aggressiveness coming out. In the past she would shy away from contact and now she has no problem getting in there and throwing her elbows around.

Maddux lining up to tee off on the goalie. Maddux has the best foot on our team and often will score from quite a ways out. He has started to learn that he can kick the ball over the goalies head and score pretty easily. He finished the season with two big goals in his last game. I wished I would have had a video camera so I could show everyone.

Maddux getting ready to stop those goals. I was asked if he was going to play football because of how far he can throw the soccer ball. He throws a lot farther than he can punt right now and has impressed some of the refs this year. He will throw the ball to midfield or further which is a big asset to the team. Most kids are not able to clear the ball and often give up goals as a result. Maddux can throw it past everyone and can help lead to a break away for one of our players.

Maddux leading the charge down the field.

Nolan and his rock star hairdo. Nolan has really picked up the concept of the game and does a good job at using his size to get wherever he wants to go.

One of Nolan's favorite parts of the game is the high-five after a goal. Here he is the first one back after one of his own goals. He usually haves to give high-fives to every one of his teammates before the kick-off.

I love this picture of Nolan running down the field during his game. I was very proud of Nolan this year and look forward to seeing him build his skills. He had the chance to play in one of Maddux's game because we were short kids. We only had 5 kids show up and you must play with 7. Him and his friend got to play the entire game and were able to hold their own. What was really impressive was the fact that they played on a normal size field for the first time and were able to run around the whole time with no subs. He even had a couple of moments where he was able to dribble the ball down the field and through the other team. Not bad for a 4 year old going up against 7 and 8 year olds. The only downside is that he played his game right after Maddux's and both him and his friend were worn out. They still managed to win but not in the convincing fashion they are accustomed to.

Brooklyn finished the Fall season being undefeated. They tied two games and won all the rest. After suffering loses in the first two games of the season, Maddux's team did not suffer another loss the rest of the season. They ended up tieing two games while winning four including their last three. Nolan's team really didn't have any problems with any of the teams they played. While most teams have one or two decent players he has four on his team that just dominate the games. They are very aggressive and know how to play the game and what to do with the ball. There were many games where the other team didn't get the ball on our side of the field. They won most games by double digits and really had a lot of fun. I really do love watching them all play.

Here is Brooklyn taking care of Payton at one of the boys games. Brooklyn has turned into quite the big sister and has started to watch after and take care of her little sister. She has even changed a diaper or two.

I can't leave Payton out of this post so here is a little update from her. Payton is into the stage where she loves to take her pants and diaper off and run around naked. We figured there was no better time to start her on big girl panties and she loves them. We just have to make sure that we keep an eye on her as she loves to walk around naked and has not yet learned how to control her potty times. Jennie and I can't wait until we are finally out of diapers.


kerrbc said...

Loved the pictures and the commentary

Spencer said...

Those are great pictures. It almost looks like a different camera.