Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Greatest Show in the World.

Last night we used the tickets that Brooklyn won at the CAV's game to go to the Barnum & Bailey Circus. Brooklyn took her two brothers and cousin, Addysen, to partake in her night. It was a lot of fun and I think the kids really enjoyed themselves. Here are some pictures from the night.

This is what your mouth looks like after a night of sno-cones.

All the kids getting ready for the show to start.

This was Nolan's favorite part of the night. He loved the elephants.

The tightrope walkers did some pretty amazing stuff.

One of many clowns that were there.

Brooklyn just had to have a picture of Terminal Tower all lit up in purple.

It was a very fun night and I am glad that I got to be a part of it. Thank you Brooklyn.

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