Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maddux's 7th Birthday

Saturday marked Maddux's 7th birthday and does he know how to throw a party. He went roller skating over the Christmas break for the first time and decided that he wanted to do that for his party. The next thing you know we have 21 kids and 10 or so adults at his party. It was a lot of fun and I know Maddux had a very good time. It is amazing at how fast the time goes by and how quickly Maddux has grown up. He is a very mature little man and has been such a blessing to our lives. He does very well in school and is our little athlete. His teacher routinely compliments him on his maturity and willingness to help out with any and everything. The following are pictures from his party as well as a photo story of his life.

Maddux with his friends and cousins during his special birthday dance.

Maddux cruising around the rink. The first couple of laps he goes around holding onto the side but as soon as he gets his roller legs warmed up he is all over the place. He did very good for his second time out.

Liam, Maddux and Cannon taking a break. They were playing a sound that Maddux does not like so he had to come off the rink and cover his ears.

Here are the "Beliebers" showing their support for Justin Bieber. They actually left during the cake because the DJ played a Justin Bieber song.

Here is a quick recap of Maddux's life in pictures.

His very first birthday and family picture. Look at Brooklyn's red hair.

Maddux and Brynnley with Grandma Elaine and Margie. It is funny because I think Brynnley still makes that same face today.

Maddux when he had some curls (18 months old). I know that Jennie was very sad to see those go.

Maddux at one of his first trips to the zoo (4 years old).

Maddux's bad boy days in karate (5 years old). He was one mean looking kid.

Maddux doing his best David Beckham soccer impersonation. You gotta love the mohawk.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Maddux. I told him to look at the camera and waive the it was perfect.

Maddux standing on third after hitting a triple. Baseball might be his favorite game to play.

Maddux is the king of the beach in Clearwater, Florida.

We are so grateful for Maddux and the blessing that he is in our lives. He is a very special boy and we are glad to have him in our family. Thank you to all of those who took part in his birthday and helped make his day special.

1 comment:

thekerrclan said...

So fun to see those baby pictures again. He is such a great kid. We're looking for kids to play on Cannon's baseball team...think we can pass him off on the 10-12 year old team?