Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Jennie, Ted, Brooklyn, Maddux, Nolan & Payton

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Terrible "Two's"

Well today was Nolan's 2nd birthday and we will be celebrating tomorrow with Jennie's family. Her parents, brother (Greg) and his family, both her grandmothers, and her Aunt and Uncle (Suzie and Chuck) will be coming over to our house for a birthday / Labor Day cookout. They say that when a child turns 2 they are considered to be in the "terrible two" phase but I think Nolan got a jump start on that phase of his life. That kid gets into absolutely everything and does most of it with a smile. I don't know if he just thinks it is funny or if he knows he shouldn't be doing it and is just mocking us. Personally I think it is the later of the two. Although, if this is as bad as it gets I will take this (that might just be wishful thinking). He is going to be the one who pushes us to our wits end and tries every bit of our patience. It is just amazing to see the stuff that he does and the things that he gets into. The other kids had there little things and would do small stuff but nothing compared to what Nolan does.
Jennie and I took the kids to a park yesterday and had a picnic because it was such a nice day and we think Nolan may finally be getting the throwing thing down. At 2 Maddux was throwing everything that he could get his hands on. Anything that was round was going to be thrown. Nolan is a little bit of a late bloomer and hasn't got that into throwing. Yesterday the kids were throwing rocks into a river to see who could make a bigger splash. Nolan started showing some promise as he picked up rocks with them and started throwing them in the water. The form needs a little bit of work but we think he is well on his way. Brooklyn has also gotten a lot better with throwing and Jennie thinks she is on her way. Hopefully Grandma will still be coaching and can get her on her team.

It is just amazing at how fast these kids are growing up. Payton is 6 weeks old today and already holds her head up and is attentive. Brooklyn is going to school all day now and has become very independent. Maddux is doing karate and soccer and is a very smart boy. And now Nolan is 2 and likes to do lots of things for himself. Where has the time went? I hope to have some pictures up tomorrow after the big party, so until next time.......

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